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Remember to Play

New Meditations

Challenging Thoughts for Challenging Times

My mother recently shared a story from her childhood that I thought was so enlightening, it was worth passing along.  Her parents were immigrants from Eastern Europe making a life in a new country where they didn’t speak the language and struggled to make a living.  They worked in tough conditions in sweatshops as a tailor and dress maker.  As a young couple with not a lot of money, they gathered with other immigrant couples in each other’s homes to play cards and socialize, for entertainment.  At that time, only one couple had a small boy who sat under the table playing.  The adults talked heatedly about their serious and concerning life topics like unions and working conditions, economic downturn, and discrimination against immigrants.  

At one point, they heard a little voice from below say, “Can’t we talk about toys?”  Everyone at the table laughed.  Even though this was before my mother was born, it became a family joke.  If anyone started talking about anything that was highly charged or overwhelming, someone would say, “Can’t we talk about toys?”  This would always lighten the mood.


Centered Action

Everyone you talk to today has strong opinions about what is going on in the world.  Arguments can easily flare up.  This is not to avoid s serious sides of life, but to remind us to not take things we can’t immediately change so seriously.  So, when your discussions of politics and current affairs become too highly charged and heated, remember to ask, “Can’t we talk about toys?”  

Am I lightening up my life by remembering to play today?  

Be your most Magnificent Self…



Jody D.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!

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