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Feelings are not Facts – But We Have to Feel Them

New Meditations

Challenging Thoughts for Challenging Times


I don’t know why we are all so embarrassed when it comes to expressing our feelings.  While they sometimes don’t seem to be the nicest parts of us, they are part of our humanity.  I have feeling – you have feelings – so we are just like everyone else.  Whatever you are feeling, someone else has felt that way before.  Feelings aren’t facts even though in the middle of them they seem really real.  They are not the expression of our True Self.  They are just our present perception. 
The trouble starts when we resist the feeling and think “I’ll feel that tomorrow.”  Or we start to let a feeling surface, then slam it down by judging ourselves for feeling however we feel – then we get stuck with it.   For many of us, when we stuff our feelings, we end up looking for something outside ourselves to soothe us and make the feelings go away, but that never really works.  They are always lurking beneath the surface.  

When you actually feel a feeling in the present moment, it passes through you and disappears.  
Feelings are like small noisy children in the car.  You don’t let them drive, or your life crashes.  But you also don’t hide them in the trunk or that part of you suffocates.  You have to feel them for them to get quiet.

Centered Action

We have to feel our feelings and express our feelings, or we bottle them up and they fester.   Find a safe friend.  Feel your feelings.  Share your feelings together – no matter how messy or blubbery it may be.  Keep sharing until they disappear.  You are not alone. 

And Be Your Most Magnificent Self…


Jody D.

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