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Fretting the Past

The past is really an illusion – a trick of our minds.  When we remember something bothersome from our past, we are experiencing the feelings in our present.  To some degree, we allow it to color and define our here and now.
It is my experience that I cannot just “turn my back” on my remembrances and feelings of the past and – just forget it.  I am somehow not built that way.  If I try to avoid looking at “it,” I inevitably manage to create a new, slightly different but completely the same, situation.  I am again forced to face – and be rid of – my tormentors.  For me, if something surfaces in me – no matter when the original incident happened – it is a message for me to handle that something in me, today.  These present triggers to past feelings are very sneaky.   It may look and feel like some current they are definitely the cause or to blame.  If they would just act differently, I could relax.
If I am stuck feeling angry, afraid, sad or ashamed, I have allowed something or someone to control and affect my Well Being.  The only way out is to face and release these old ideas – otherwise, we end up feeling righteous – or worse yet – paralyzed.
It’s a trade-off.  Living at the effect of something or someone – or finding Inner Peace despite outside circumstances.  If I am stuck feeling angry, afraid, sad or ashamed – when I honestly look – I discover the cause is always within me…darn it!  I can resist and suffer, or look for my part and some spiritual solutions.  This is the only way I have found to truly transform and uplift my now experience.
Centered Action:
How have I let some person, place or thing become my Higher Power?  What are my errors of thought, attitude or behavior in this situation?  In the scheme of my lifetime, how big a deal is it really? Take that in.  Know that Divine Love is blind to everyone’s faults.  We have to let others and ourselves, just be as we are.  In this way, we reclaim our Inner Power and Peace.    

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