New Meditations
Challenging Thoughts for Challenging TimesEveryone has had “the arrogant Son of a B”, or the “cruel, fat, little tyrant”, or the “manipulative, deceitful, back-stabbing witch”, in their lives. They could be your teacher, boss, co-worker, family member, ex-lover or former friend. This is someone we feel has caused us great harm and we are angry about it. We feel they have selfish motives. They are a producer of disharmony even when seeming to move a process forward. They may have even showed a kind face directly to us, then turned around to others and spoke badly about us. They may act like a supportive team player but behind the scenes they are making trouble. They do not “have our backs”. They are so untrustworthy that the experience has left us wondering if we can ever trust anyone again.
Sometimes we have grievances that are very old. We may not have seen these people in a long time – they may even be dead – but every time we are reminded of these people it brings up the smoldering anger. We are still overpowered by our thoughts about them. They still are holding power over us, whether periodically or on a continuous basis.
Every time I say “the arrogant SOB”, I remember this person and all the harm they have done to me. I feel the sadness and the rage. Every time I say these words, I give this person power. They are still affecting my sense of self; I cannot move forward.
Centered Action
One simple way to gain freedom from these thoughts is to practice blessing these people. But you are asking yourself, how can I possibly be willing to do this after all the hurt they have caused me? Whether I believe they deserve a blessing, whether I am sincere in wishing them a blessing, I need to say the words “Bless this person”. This procedure will work even if I say the words sarcastically at first. It is a way of separating me from the grip of their power and from my past painful situations (or continued current situations). Every time I think or worry about them, I need to continue to practice blessing them. Blessings are like boomerangs; when we send blessings out they come back to us. This practice will bring me the peace I am seeking and allow me to move forward. What would happen to the world if we are all sending out blessings?
If you feel this message would be useful to someone you know, please forward it to them.
Keep the Faith, Clean up the messes in Your Path, Give to Someone Else,
And Be Your Most Magnificent Self…
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