New Meditations

Challenging Thoughts for Challenging Times

Is there some circumstance in your life that you are having difficulty accepting? It seems obvious that we can’t change what we can’t change, but our head wants what our head wants.  Sometimes we wish things would just…be different.  The ironic thing about it is that our critical monkey-mind judges us for the things that are out of our control.  This lack of control strikes at our feelings of sadness and shame.

First sad and ashamed that we cannot control what we think we should be able to control.  Then we feel sadness and shame because we believe that our lack of control means something…that something is wrong with us. 

No matter how big of a deal it may seem, you cannot change what you cannot change.  And no situation can be helped by this internal struggle to make it different than it is.  When we have this struggle, we are not accepting life on life’s terms today…just as we are, just as “they” are, just as stuff is…and we can find no peace. 

Centered Action:

 Acceptance does not mean approval.  Acceptance means finding peace in the midst of the turmoil.  The solution is to stop trying to figure out how things could be different.  Then focus on your Heart and your Compassion.    When we come from a place of being kind and compassionate to ourselves, and to others, the struggle disappears.  We can allow the situation or the person to be exactly as they are.  In the end, we are truly allowing life to be okay just as it is…perfect, just as is, in this moment.  Not always easy, but it is something we can practice. 

Step away from the job, health, relationship, kid problem or other “fill in the blank” life issue.  Step away from the conflict within yourself and recharge yourself with Heart & Compassion. 


If you feel this message would be useful to someone you know, please forward it to them.


Keep the Faith, Clean up the messes in Your Path, Give to Someone Else,

And Be Your Most Magnificent Self…


Jody D.

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