New Meditations

Challenging Thoughts for Challenging Times

Have you ever noticed how coaches in professional sports pulls their athletes aside to have a serious face-to-face?  They demand the athlete’s full attention especially when it appears the athlete begins to look uneasy or defeated.  They are saying “keep your eyes on me.”  By saying “Eyes on Me” they short-circuit the flow of fear.  Fear is at the center of worry and upset.

Or you may have seen a parent calming a tantrum from their child.  They look them straight in the eyes and unconsciously force them to focus on them.  They are someone with caring and strength at a moment of our uncertainty or upset. 

In that moment, they are a source of calming strength.  We trust them and in that present, everything else disappears.  Just being in their presence has the power to calm us down.  Their strength and peace quiets the raging machine…that heart pounding fear or shame (which is fear wearing a different coat).


Centered Action

You can use this same focusing tool on yourself in times of worry or fear.   When you say to yourself “Eyes on Me” it will be a trigger for you to center your concentration.  Focus on this point in time.  Focus on anything physical in your range of sight.  Visualize someone in your life who was your supportive teacher, mentor, friend, parent or coach. Visualize your personal life coach whispering in your ear, “Eyes on Me…It’s going to be okay…No worries” and filling you with Peace and Calm.


If you feel this message would be useful to someone you know, please forward it to them.


Keep the Faith, Clean up the messes in Your Path, Give to Someone Else,

And Be Your Most Magnificent Self…


Jody D.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!

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