Napoleon Hill, author of ‘Think and Grow Rich’ and master of positive thinking said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”  I say, even if you don’t believe it, if you are willing to believe, willing to be healed, and willing to make an investment of time in yourself and your well-being, you can have positive results.  This can work, even if you believe it is nonsense.

What is important is daily consistent and persistent effort against the “monkey mind” – the committee in your head – that keeps you from finding Peace, Joy and Self-Love.  What we all do with our thinking – in our spare time by ourselves – would be considered self-hate speech if we spoke it out loud.  It is very damaging to our psyche and often translates to challenges in our body and our life.

The only way out of fear, loss, shame, or anger is slogging through it. 

Are you willing to invest 15 minutes each day for your Well-Being, Happiness, and Serenity?

Daily Morning Routine

  1. Garbage Writing – on a blank piece of paper:
    1. Write the date
    1. Write the following affirmations:
      1. Yes, today I find Hope and Joy and Promise in everything I do and everything I see.  Yes, today, I rise above all outward influences.
    1. Spend 10 minutes writing out every crazy, angry, fearful, shameful, worrisome thought in your head.  Do NOT censor yourself.  This is just to get these thoughts out of your head where they are serving no good purpose.  These can be worries or upset about your relationships, finances, your work life, family, future tripping or past dredging.  No one, including yourself, will be going back and reading this.
    1. When you are done, write one of the following affirmations or any affirmation appropriate for you:
      1. Yes, today I deserve to have Joy in my life.  Yes, today I have a positive outlook on my life and on the world.  Peace.
      1. Yes, today I deserve Love and Kindness in my Life.  Yes, I am the treasured, beautiful child of a loving Divine Spirit who abundantly surrounds me with Goodness, and absolutely takes care of me.  Peace.
  2. Gratitude – Write 5 things you are grateful for.
  3. Mindful Meditation – say to yourself:
    1. Today when something or someone upsets or irritates me, I will say to myself, “How important is this?  Is it worth my physical Well-Being?  Is it worth my Peace of Mind?”  I let it go.
  4. Stretching – Stretch your body to move energy out of your head – and warm your muscles for action for this day ahead.
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