I’ve been lucky to have a family of origin that loves and supports me – even those who are atheists and agnostics, and those who don’t understand my thinking or agree with all of my viewpoints.  They would be shocked to think that I believe that they too are Spirit that is working through them in my life.  I have also been lucky” to have created a supportive extended family of friends and mentors, who have become my sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, aunts, and uncles.  When I have triumphed, my tribe celebrates me. When things are rough or I have disappointments or upsets, my tribe surrounds me. They guide me on my soul’s recovery path.

We all have times when we need to be held up.  We need support when life doesn’t follow our plan – when we lose something or someone we wanted or needed.  In nature, when an elephant is sick or weak, the band of elephants surround them and lean in on both sides.  They hold them up until they can walk on their own strength.  We too, need our herd. 

Sometimes, we have support and love, but we don’t or can’t let it in.  When our pride says “I can take care of myself” we block goodness.  We have all had those moments of ego, me included.   Letting go leaves your hands open to receive. 

Your family of origin may not be a supportive tribe.  Or, they may be well meaning but not know how to support and give you what you need and crave.  They may have agendas or give with strings attached.  Family is not always the ones who bore you – it may be who bears you up now.  Have you created your community? Are you letting them hold you up when you can’t hold yourself up? 

Centered Action

Create or find your Tribe.  Be that supportive tribe member to those that you can.  Be the support that you want – ask for the support that you need – then let in the sunlight of that love. 

Thank you all for being part of my supportive Tribe.  Our lives are connected and matter.

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