Ok, this is going to sound really depressing but this is what I keep hearing from family and friends.  They are “sick and tired of this endless, when is this going to be over pandemic.” There is battle weariness at seeing others’ life tragedies, or experiencing them first-hand.   It can feel overwhelming.    The lows seem lower all of a sudden, even though there is the promise of a vaccine solution.  We have been patient, but the waiting and isolating has just been too darn long. 

And, we seem driven to know “what is happening with the pandemic where you are?”  We think we are commiserating and identifying with each other by sharing our pandemic dramatic stories, but we end up more stressed and depressed.  It is very healthy to share our true feelings, but sharing our complaints just makes us feel bad.  The way to turn this around is by finding moments to replace despair and frustration with Gratitude – And then to get out of ourselves.  The key is, we have to be willing to stop repeating the story of how awful life is right now. 

We did a family zoom last week and immediately started talking about the tragedy and the restrictions around the world, because my family is spread around the world.  When we were getting ready to close the call, we realized that we could not end on that very sad note.  So, we went around the globe and each person mentioned something positive that was happening or what they intended for the New Year.  It was a wonderful way to end our call – to feel loved, connected and supported. This is what we all need to do and keep doing, to raise our spirits and encourage one another.

Centered Action:

See if you can uplift your feelings when you notice them descending – and if you are struggling, ask the Universe for Assistance, Direction or Helpers to transform your feelings.  You may be surprised to get an unexpected Helper call.  Then think of someone you can contact, and if you observe the conversation going down, find Gratitude.  It’s simple, and it works.  This is how we can comfort ourselves and others – and what a great New Year’s Intention that is!

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